Why would you not live an extraordinary life over an ordinary life when you have the choice?’
Rob is interviewing David McCourt, billionaire businessman described by ‘The Economist’ as having ‘impeccable credentials’ Over the last thirty years he has founded multiple successful companies and is one of the world’s most successful award-winning entrepreneurs with an Emmy award and a personal worth in excess of 1 billion.
They discuss inspirational films, books, money, motivation and why David is only just getting started.
This is an incredibly inspiring and motivational episode with huge value, you will want to listen to it more than once get started now!
There are so many other more interesting things you can do with your money than buy stuff
People have stuff because they want you to believe they are rich, smart, powerful and handsome.
You could use your money to start a business, grow a business, help a charity to get started, help someone else, start a business or buy land and give it to conservation.
My attitude towards money and wealth hasn’t changed over time.
I know a lot more now about life and business relationships, what I want to accomplish in my life and what I don’t want to waste my time on.
It’s important to recognise that lots of people don’t have money so if you do you have no right to squander it you should use it to build value and solve problems create jobs
You should try to move the ball down the field for other people.
For years incremental thinking was enough but now things are moving so fast we need a total rethink to solve problems.
Don’t be afraid of failing because your ‘plan B’ will be better than your ‘plan A’
Your ‘plan B’ by definition will be more successful than your ‘plan A’ because you already know what not to do.
If you want to be an entrepreneur you can’t be afraid of what others think and say you’ve got to always be moving forward and never back.
Strength and weakness
In everything, the focus is on improving areas of weakness but the statistical data that suggests you can only make marginal improvements to your areas of weakness but you can improve in your areas of strength almost infinitely.
The system finds it easier to put everyone in the same box and this results in lots of people who look and sound the same.
Everyone is good at something and that something is what the individual should focus on not worrying about the things they are not good at and improvement can be almost infinite.
The media
There are now so many content distributers it’s a content creators world but you have to be able to survive and make money.
It’s a fantastic new world for good content creators, if you follow a trend you can make money but if you follow a fad you’ll go broke.
A Total Rethink - Entrepreneurs should act like revolutionaries
There is a story that needs to be told.
The world has been operating with a basis of incremental change in business and in life since the industrial revolution but now everything is moving so fast we need to change the way we look at the problems.
A change in approach and thinking is necessary for the planet and also offers great opportunities for making money.
The book doesn’t solve all the problems but it highlights the big problems and highlights how I’ve solved similar problems with suggestions of how we could solve some of the global problems based on my personal experience.
Why would you live an ordinary life when you don’t have to?
Money is not my motivation and I’m just getting started everything I’ve learnt up until this point is for what I’m going to do next and I haven’t yet done the big thing I’m meant to do.
‘It isn’t a political problem it’s a global problem and the business opportunity is in solving the problems’
‘People have to work out what makes them happy in life’
‘If they see a problem that they want to solve why would they not take a chance for happiness’
‘The only equaliser between us all is time’
‘It's way easier to buy something than start something’
[Business, mindset, entrepreneur, disruptors]
Rob Moore is an author of 9 business books, 5 UK bestsellers, holds 3 world records for public speaking, entrepreneur, property investor, and property educator. Author of the global bestseller “Life Leverage” Host of UK’s No.1 business podcast “Disruptors”
“If you don't risk anything, you risk everything”
Rob’s official website: https://robmoore.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/robmooreprogressive/?ref=br_rs
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/in/robmoore1979