It's the 1952 World Series with the Yankees and Dodgers taking it to Game 7. On the Yankees line-up is a certain Mickey Mantle, and his 1952 season is one for the record books. This was the year of the Topps Mickey Mantle Baseball Card… the most expensive baseball card in the world
Although Topps' cards debuted in 1951, that year saw a pack more akin to playing cards. 1952 saw the cards we know and love; the picture, the text, and the candy. 407 players, in three sets, but it was Mantle's card which (ahem) came out on top, with a recent auction of one of these cards fetching $12.6 million.
But would the player with the most valuable card become the most valuable player in the World Series decider?
Mel Allen with Red Barber calls the action.
You can find the boxscore here.
This game was played on October 7th, 1952.