Show Notes:
0.00 Tiffany Dufu is the Founder and CEO of The Cru, which matches circles of women to collaborate and meet their life goals together. As the cumulative investment of many people, she's built a methodology and a sophisticated platform to help women set personal and professional intentions and goals... and then accomplish their wildest ambitions.
6:03 Tiffany discusses the structure of The Cru, and how the organization channels the energy of high-performing women to achieve lofty goals through a framework that prioritizes confidentiality, coaching and honing the mindset, skills and behaviors needed for success.
13:20 Do I have influence? Using social platforms to create change in the world, being intentional about leveraging platforms to get your message out and being consistent about the topics and issues people can count on you to advance and advocate.
17:00 Exploring the mentors, role models, advocates and sources of inspiration along Tiffany's path.
21:45 Wielding influence: Tiffany's non-negotiables and thoughts on really understanding and tapping into your superpower. Each one of us has something very unique that we bring to the world, that must unleash and allow the world to experience. Your influence has to be rooted in something that will not fade away if Facebook folds, Twitter folds... when it all goes away, what is your influence rooted in?
28:30 Drop the ball: why Tiffany wrote a book about abandoning sense of obligation and pressure to keep all the balls in the air flawlessly her entire life, and how women and men can let go of unreasonable expectations and achieve more by doing less.
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