Welcome back to The Radcast! Get ready to uncover the real business of show business with a star-studded lineup of guests! Join us as we chat with Jesse Palmer from The Bachelor, Tarek El Moussa of HGTV's Flip or Flop, Christopher Sean from the Star Wars universe, and even ESPN's top journalist, Marty Smith. We'll explore everything from drama-filled reality TV to college football, from flipping houses to entrepreneurial success stories, and beyond. Gain a fresh perspective on the inner workings of the entertainment industry today.
Listen now to learn valuable insights and inspiration from these radical entrepreneurs and get pro-level guidance! 🎙️🎬
Key notes from the episode:
This episode is packed with energy, wisdom, and passion and we know you will get a ton of value from this.
To keep up with Jesse Palmer, follow him on Instagram @jessepalmer and his website https://www.bonfire.com/jesse-palmer-t-shirt/
To keep up with Christopher Sean, follow him on Instagramhttps://www.instagram.com/mrchristophersean/ and his website https://www.christopher-sean.com/
To keep up with Tarek El Moussa, follow him on Instagram @therealtarekelmoussa and his podcast Real Estate Investing with Tarek
To keep up with Marty Smith, follow him on Instagram @martysmithespn
Subscribe to our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/RadicalHomeofTheRadcast
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