Welcome to another episode of The Radcast! In this week’s episode, host Ryan Alford talks to Allison Ferenci, CEO & Co-Founder of Camera IQ.
Allison, as a Creative Technologist, expresses her fascination with the kind of digital content that occupies our physical world.
She describes Camera IQ's Augmented Reality (AR) technology and how it helps businesses boost sales. Allison also explains how Camera IQ differentiates from other brands in terms of technology. She also explains the Metaverse and how it influences digital marketing.
To know more about Camera IQ, check their website https://cameraiq.com/about/. To know more about Allison Ferenci, you can follow her on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allisoneichlerwood/, Instagram: @allisonferenci and Twitter: @_AllisonWood.
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