Episode description
What a CreepSeason 20, Episode 3
Steven Crowder
Steven Crowder is a far-right comedian and media commenter who has been getting tons of press lately for bad behavior at “Louder with Crowder,”--a very popular YouTube/Rumble channel. He claims to be a strict Christian while also being a racist, sexist, homophobic garbage person. Also--he treated his wife like shit, which is finally enough for some people to drop him.
In the past few weeks alone, he has earned the wrath of Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens, which gives you an idea of how much this guy sucks. Even the shittiest people hate him!
Sources for this episode:
Steven Crowder WIKI
The Verge
Media Matters
The Hill
The Insider
The Insider 2
Fox News
Fox News 2
Yashar Ali’s Substack video (warning DV)
Steven Crowder monetizes his heart surgery on YouTube
New York Post
The Christian Post
Rolling Stone
The Daily Beast
The Mirror UK
Washington Examiner
Daily Mail UK
The Sun USA
Steven Crowder’s “Conservative Comedy” Sam Seder Majority Report
Some More News with Steven Crowder Just Needs a Friend YouTube (Cody Johnston)
Trigger warning: Racism, misogyny, domestic violence, coercive control, and transphobia
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