I would like to reset the room for you today.
How do you currently view LinkedIn?
Somewhere people are constantly selling to you?
Does this sound familiar?
What if it could be different?
What if you looked forward to checking your LinkedIn? Catching up with your network, reading some interesting posts and maybe even attending a LinkedIn audio once a week?
We don't need to run before we can walk. I am not suggesting you start broadcasting a weekly live show yourself. But I would love you to feel comfortable posting once or twice a week. And every time you open the app on your phone, you recognise the person in the newsfeed and enjoy commenting on their content.
Shall we do this?I am going to write a series of newsletters aimed at helping you. The individual. And record these accompanying podcasts.
These newsletters are going to be based on a theme - how to approach LinkedIn as though it were your next in-person industry event.
We are not eating the whole elephant today - let's just start with the first step - preparation.
To subscribe to the newsletter - https://www.linkedin.com/posts/louisebrogan_linkedinwriting-newsletter-linkedinforrealpeople-activity-7162379067667795968-fFNl?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop