Do you have a LinkedIn profile that is looking a bit sad?
When was the last time you posted an update on LinkedIn?
Have you EVER posted an update?
Don't worry - if you can't answer the above with a positive response, you are not alone.
I run a lot of in-person training events in N.Ireland which gives me great opportunities to talk to people about why they aren't using LinkedIn, or why they haven't really got into LinkedIn yet. And there's lots of different reasons why which I cover in this episode.
If you need help and support with getting started, I offer one to one strategy sessions to help you with understanding how you can use LInkedIn to grow your business.
Get in touch and we have a strategy session together.
We'll look at what your business is, who your clients are, who's your target market, what could you be sharing on LinkedIn, that will bring those people to you to connect with you to want to work with you.
And I'd be delighted to help you with that.