Do you feel brave enough to show your personality on social media? Are you absolutely clear on what you stand for and what sets you apart from the competition? And do you use storytelling as a tool to build trust in your marketing?
This week on the podcast, I interview chartered marketer Nicole Osborne. Nicole is a social media trainer, a personal branding coach, a marketing consultant and a speaker, and she works with
ambitious founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners to help them grow their audience and improve their marketing results.
In this episode, Nicole shares the story of how she moved from East Germany to the UK 25 years ago and how, after years in the corporate world, she decided to start her own business – Lollipop Social.
As a fellow social media trainer and speaker, Nicole and I have met in person at various events, but I was pleased to be able to dig deeper during this interview and learn more about how Nicole
prepares her engaging talks, where she includes stories that add value, give the audience a great experience, and make her personal brand memorable.
You will learn…
1. About the pros and cons of using a business name vs using your own name when you start
your own business.
2. Why it’s important to know what works on specific social media platforms, but, at the same
time, how some key principles about personal branding and storytelling apply across all
social media channels.
3. Why you should always consider replying to comments on LinkedIn (and other social media platforms).
About Nicole
If you’d like to connect with Nicole, you can find her on LinkedIn or Instagram.
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Do you want to learn more about using LinkedIn for business?
If you want my help to leverage LinkedIn to raise your profile, check out LinkedIn Learners Lab – my group coaching program d esigned to help you create an effective LinkedIn strategy and start building your network on LinkedIn.
If you found this episode useful, come and join Nicole and me on Friday 19 th June 2020 for our LinkedIn live catch up.
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