Each week David has talked to guests about what lights them up in the world of people development across 31 episodes this year.
As a way of wrapping this up for2019 in this episode, he shares a summary of his learning so far and looks ahead to next year.
In 2020 truly understanding user-centricity, human-centred designed will be key and learning what this really is that will be important for every learning and development professional.
By understanding what it is people are trying to do, the experiences they are having what’s required of the organisation then better experiences can be designed in order to improve performance and insight. If we can understand the experiences people have then we can design even greater experiences
‘What does acceptable performance look like and what performance needs to be addressed and what needs to be the focus to understand performance to a greater degree?’
‘Everyone is now experimenting to see if they can move the needle in the right direction’
‘It’s not an emerging trend it’s one that’s being embraced a lot more and will help us to affect performance’
The Learning & Development Podcast
David James
David has been a People Development professional for more than 20 years, most notably as Director of Talent, Learning & OD for The Walt Disney Company across Europe, the Middle East & Africa.
As well as being the Chief Learning Strategist at Looop, David is a prominent writer and speaker on topics around modern and digital L&D as well as an active member of the CIPD L&D Advisory Board.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/davidinlearning?lang=en
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidjameslinkedin/
Website: https://www.looop.co/