We're shifting up a gear, the stakes are higher, it's all to play for, and a whole host of other cliches, in the second of our five part series on the top fifty games of all time. Thirty(ish) more incredible board games coming at you, and we're not even halfway done yet.
03:36 - Mark #40 - Blue Lagoon
05:58 - Neilan #40 - Panic on Wall Street!
07:01 - Kellen #40 - Dune
08:36 - Mark #39 - Shipyard
10:30 - Neilan #39 - Kemet
11:37 - Kellen #39 - For Sale
13:21 - Mark #38 - Pipeline
14:19 - Neilan #38 - The Estates
16:04 - Kellen #38 - Crokinole
17:32 - Mark #37 - Bruges
18:41 - Neilan #37 - Alhambra
20:53 - Kellen #37 - Lords of Vegas
22:41 - Mark #36 - Zany Penguins
24:25 - Neilan #36 - Deception: Murder in Hong Kong
26:06 - Kellen #36 - Blood Rage
27:52 - Mark #35 - Scruples
31:06 - Neilan #35 - Pipeline
32:47 - Kellen #35 - Sixes
35:05 - Mark #34 - Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar
36:24 - Neilan #34 - Agricola
36:41 - Kellen #34 - Agricola
39:22 - Mark #33 - The Great Zimbabwe
42:30 - Neilan #33 - Orléans
43:47 - Kellen #33 - Taj Mahal
47:09 - Mark #32 - Age of Steam
48:42 - Neilan #32 - Werewords
52:08 - Kellen #32 - Imperial 2030
54:05 - Mark #31 - Mansions of Madness: Second Edition
56:13 - Neilan #31 - Gaia Project
57:39 - Kellen #31 - Fuji Flush
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