It's an awful notion, but bear with me. What if you lost your entire board game collection, and had to rebuild it from scratch? Here's the catch, you only have one hundred dollars. We try to predict what the Red Tank would do, before he talks us through what makes the cut, and why. Before we rebuild, we talk about 5211, Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan, and Cóatl.
03:10 - 5211
10:35 - Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan
10:35 - The Voyages of Marco Polo
21:13 - Cóatl
26:15 - Sagrada
26:47 - Reef
29:37 - Ghost Turkey Registration
30:43 - Board Game Barrage Merch!
31:33 - Zero to One Hundred: Red Edition
36:16 - Azul
36:16 - Splendor
37:02 - Codenames
38:58 - Innovation
41:06 - Dune
44:32 - Hansa Teutonica: Big Box
46:17 - Telestrations
47:50 - Oink Games
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