Episode description
Mark Rosewater, head designer for Magic: The Gathering, defined three player archetypes back in 2002, and we figured it'd be fun to see how we can apply them to, not just board games, but your three beloved hosts. We look into what makes a Timmy, Tammy, Johnny, Jenny, or Spike tick, and try to find some board games each might like. Before we profile ourselves, we talk about FlickFleet, Québec, and Ra.
02:13 - FlickFleet
06:19 - Québec
09:10 - El Grande
10:29 - Tapestry
15:00 - Ra
21:56 - Magic: the Gathering Player Archetypes
31:08 - Gùgōng
40:27 - The Voyages of Marco Polo
40:55 - Rising Sun
41:19 - Crokinole
41:47 - Dominion
42:47 - Terraforming Mars
43:15 - Tzolk'in: The Mayan Calendar
43:50 - Cosmic Encounter
44:47 - Dune
45:31 - Glory to Rome