It's just two of us, so we turn our attention to the burning questions that you've been asking us, in a feature we're calling Topic Talk Back. This is not to be confused with the format we've used before, mailbags are old news now, and we'd appreciate it if you'd stop bringing it up. Before we do anything but rustle in the cloth sack, we talk about By Stealth and Sea, and Undaunted: Stalingrad.
02:38 - By Stealth and Sea
12:11 - Undaunted: Stalingrad
25:41 - Topic Talk Back
26:37 - Favorite Campaign Games
27:20 - Gloomhaven
27:44 - Frosthaven
30:56 - Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon
33:31 - Games that are too short?
34:03 - The Voyages of Marco Polo
34:17 - Marco Polo II: In the Service of the Khan
35:38 - Woodcraft
37:47 - Designer Mount Rushmore
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