It's the penultimate draft of the BGG Top 1000 series, and all of these games are garbage ... but it's up to us to sift through that garbage, and each find a collection of five games that's worthy of you. Vote for your favourite, and you could win a $50 gift voucher! Before we find diamonds in the rough, we also talk about Paperback Adventures, and Woodcraft.
02:31 - Paperback Adventures
13:29 - Woodcraft
23:51 - Drafting BGG's #801-900
26:27 - Babylonia
28:37 - Blue Lagoon
30:57 - A War of Whispers
32:22 - Signorie
33:19 - The Mind
34:52 - Pictomania
36:04 - Brian Boru: High King of Ireland
36:57 - Santiago
38:45 - Werewords
39:49 - Battle for Rokugan
41:19 - Vasco da Gama
43:20 - Cerebria: The Inside World
44:21 - Bullet♥︎
46:10 - Incan Gold
49:00 - Railroad Ink Challenge: Lush Green Edition
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