Will we see you at the Alliance 2023 Annual Conference, Feb. 6–9 in National Harbor, Maryland? As you prepare to emerge, overcome and lead with your healthcare CPD colleagues, tune into this session preview episode featuring Jim Morgante, PhD, for a look at his Tuesday, Feb. 7 presentation “Assessing Assessments: Are Your Questions Any Good?” Listen in to get special insights into effect size, evaluating the quality of multiple-choice questions and discovering why this session is beneficial to your practice in healthcare CPD. Then, if you haven’t already, be sure to register for the Alliance 2023 Annual Conference to catch Jim and Jason Oliveri presenting this session live.
https://www.acehp.org/Annual-Conference| https://www.eventscribe.net/2023/alliance23/index.asp?launcher=1| https://www.acehp.org/Annual-Conference/Why-Attend| https://www.acehp.org/Annual-Conference/Registration| https://almanac.acehp.org/Outcomes/Outcomes-Article/important-considerations-for-collecting-and-storing-data
*Alliance Websites*