We’ve got a lot going on right here in LA. And this is a very L.A.-centric episode of the show. The City Of Angels has undergone a lot of turmoil in the past two years. Like many cities in America, it has a houselessness problem that is beyond pale. Construction is running wild but it doesn’t seem to be for anything that anyone wants or particularly needs, and yet, it is still L.A., and even the most dour predictions for the future are leavened by a glimmer of hope that some how, some way, something decent will prevail.
We have two fantastic guests. Karie Bible came to Los Angeles by way of Texas, fell in love with LA and its history, and submerged herself in that history by way of the Hollywood Forever Cemetery, where she has been giving tours for lo about 20 years now. She has amazing stories of both the living and the dead, and we are super happy to have her today.
And also, our old pal Alison Martino, a famed Los Angeles historian, she of the the L.A. Conservancy, the Vintage LA Facebook group and Vintage LA on Insta.