Oh weather outside is frightful. Eh. But nonetheless, Welcome to the holiday 2017 episode of the Dana Gould Hour, recorded high atop in Los Angeles at Falcon’s Lair Recording Studios.
We have two incredible interviews and a heapin’ helpin’ of audio extras for your listening pleasure. First of all, it IS December, and that calls for a year-end recap. Last year, I’m sure you recall how, prior to election day, we all thought we knew how the year was going to turn out. Well it didn’t quite work out that way, did it? So joining me at the mic today is none other than Mike Murphy. I’m a Democrat, he’s a Republican but outside of that, we walk alike, we talk alike, we even wear our socks alike. Mike has no love for the President, and neither do I, but he has some excellent insight into how the other side approaches this most unique period on out history.
Joining Mike and myself is Pete Aronson. Pete has held many an executive position in show bidness, as well as being a very talented writer and all around funny guy in his own right. If you are a fan of Stan Against Evil, you have Pete to thank for it. But more than all of that, he’s a smart cookie and I’m eager to get this rolling.
We also have Danny Bland with us. Compared to Mike and Pete, Danny is a disreputable hobo. Hobo, I say! And that’s why we’re friends. Danny is, among other things, the road manager for The Blasters, and, yeah, I’d say he has some stories. He’s also the author of the excellent novel In Case We Die which details his oh so fun recovery from heroin and the people he met along the way, Danny, well, you’ll hear it. I’d like to have Danny on every month. He is the real deal.
For details, tickets and links to all of my live show malarkey, please visit the live appearance page at DanaGould.com.
I will be back at one of my favorite clubs in the country The Laughing Skull in Atlanta on Jan 4th, 5th and 6th, and then I’ll be back up to San Francisco on Jan 18th, 19th and 20th for good ol’ Sketchfest.
On Jan 19th at the Marines Memorial Theater, the folks who brought you last year’s live staged reading of Plan 9 From Outer Space are reconvening for a live stage reading of The John Travolta classic, The Boy In The Plastic Bubble. It stars not only Stan Against Evil actors like me, Janet Varney, Deborah Baker Jr and Nate Mooney, but also Scott Adsit from 30 Rock, Maria Bamford from Lady Dynamite, and Steven Ogg from The Walking Dead, as well as Bob’s Burgers’ Ron Lynch. The Boy In The Plastic Bubble. See it. We want to put our germs on you.
Lastly, if you are in the DC area, I will be at the Arlington Drafthouse in in Arlington, Virginia on Feb 2nd and 3rd.