Hello! And welcome to the end of spring start of summer edition of the Dana Gould Hour Podcast. Two very dear pals are joining me today, Alison Rosen, of the podcast Alison Rosen Is Your New Best Friend is here to talk about her new venture Upworthy Weekly, her podcast Childish with Greg Fitzsimmons and so much more.
And TV’s Frank himself, from Mystery Science Theater and The Mads, Frank Conniff is here to talk about lockdown in New York, having a Goddamn quadruple bypass and his new book, Billy Gillis, Seven Year-Old Screenwriter and our hundred year friendship.
True Tales From Weirdsville takes a deep dive into the world of Mickey Cohen. In his day, Mickey was one of the most fanous people in LA but he wasn’t a movie star. He was gangster. A gangster who, at one point, as you will hear, in a court of law, mind you, brought the LAPD to its knees.