Hello, Ho, Ho, Ho, and Happy Holidays!
The air is brisk the trees are up and Covid's back! It must be Christmas! But here's hoping that your safe and cozy for the holidays, and we've put together a little something here to listen while you wrap the presents. It's another old school two hander episode to send you off into 2022.
Katharine Coldiron is here. Katharine is an author and a film critic who has written a book about Plan 9 from Outer Space. It's a part of a series of monographs about cult films. You'll get all the details on the interview, and I highly recommend them. The Plan 9 book is great, very illuminating, and I know a lot about Plan 9, but Katharine's book really managed to articulate stuff about the film that I had always felt but couldn't quite put into words, if that makes any sense. Katharine Coldiron talking about Plan 9 and other films that are so bad they're great.
Also, Martin Olson is here. Marty is a writer, an author and a musician. I have known him since I started in stand up way back in the day in Boston Massachusetts. Marty is here to talk about his new book, The Encyclopaedia of Hell, Vol. 2, the Conquest Of Heaven, which basically reads like the novelization of a terry Gilliam film he hasn't gotten around to making yet. Or if JRR Tolkein was a comedy writer. Or.. well,. Listen to the interview and judge for yourself.
And of course, True Tales From Weirdsville takes a deep dive into my favorite Christmas movie, John Carpenter's The Thing!