Are you interested in the controversy between experimentation and projectification?
Summary of the article titled Experimentation or projectification of urban change? A critical appraisal and three steps forward from 2021 by Jonas Torrens and Timo von Wirth, published in the Urban Transformations journal.
This is a great preparation to our next interview with Frank Elavsky in episode 272 talking about the need for urban experimentations.
Since we are investigating the future of cities, I thought it would be interesting to see urban experimentation outside of only project-thinking. This article proposes three steps to overcome the challenges of "projectification" to foster genuine urban change.
As the most important things, I would like to highlight 3 aspects:
You can find the article through this link.
Abstract: Urban experimentation has proliferated in recent years as a response to sustainability challenges and renewed pressures on urban governance. In many European cities, diverse and rapidly changing experimental forms (e.g. urban living laboratories, pilots, trials, experimental districts) are becoming commonplace, addressing ambitious goals for smartness, circularity, and liveability. Academically, there is a growing concern for moving beyond the focus on individual experiments and the insistence on upscaling their primary transformation mechanism. However, the phenomena of ‘projectification’ – whereby project-based forms of organising have become ubiquitous, shaping expectations about experimentation – is increasingly perceived as a barrier. Nevertheless, how specifically experimentation and projectification intersect remains unclear. Our theoretical perspective examines how the widespread tendency towards projectification shapes urban experimentation and the potential implications for urban transformations. It problematises the current wave of experimentation and how it contributes to the projectification of urban change processes. We present three steps to redress this issue and indicate directions for future research.
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You can find the transcript through this link.
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I hope this was an interesting episode for you and thanks for tuning in.
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