Welcome back to the Law School Toolbox podcast! We have two special guests today, talking about how neurodivergent students can reach their full potential in law school. We're speaking with Heather Varanini, Director of Academic Achievement and Adjunct Professor at Golden Gate University School of Law in San Francisco, and Rebecca Petrilli, Director of Marketing Content Strategy at Themis Bar Review.
Note: This episode is sponsored by Themis Bar Review – the gold standard in bar exam preparation. Right now, Themis has a special offer for Law School Toolbox podcast listeners. Any Themis course, whether you're sitting for the bar in 2025, 2026, or 2027, is at the cost of $1,695 with the promo code LAWSCHOOLTB1200. (This offer is valid until December 1, 2024.)
In this episode we discuss:
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Thanks for listening!
Alison & Lee