Chelsea Haines is the CEO and founder of The Gut Health Agency. In this episode, we explore the importance of listening to our bodies, overcoming trauma and stress, and optimizing our gut health for a thriving life. Chelsea also shares her personal journey, her expertise in building a successful business, and practical tips for those embarking on their own wellness journey. We cover all this and more: [00:01:12] Exploring the connection between gut health and leadership. [00:06:04] The importance of understanding the link between the immune system, digestive health, and leadership. [00:07:47] Using the GI MAP test to uncover insights into digestion and how it impacts our body's fueling system. [00:12:28] How the GI MAP test provides valuable information about the health of your microbiome. [00:15:51] Trusting and interpreting your body's signs and symptoms. [00:19:36] Recognizing that traumatic experiences are unique and shouldn't be compared. [00:23:34] Strategies to retrain your nervous system to better handle stress. [00:27:33] Insights from the founder of Orpheus on combining engineering principles with trauma therapy. [00:29:17] Understanding the impact of brain activity on verbalization in PTSD patients. [00:32:00] How therapy can help break old neural pathways and reteach the brain. [00:37:38] The role of the brain in seeking proof of beliefs and how this affects our overall beliefs. [00:41:38] Exploring the use of meditation and music for achieving balance. [00:45:01] Addressing common challenges such as fear of success, marketing hesitations, and self-doubt. [00:47:07] The importance of facing your fears as a crucial step toward achieving your goals. [00:49:22] How self-understanding can foster trust in decision-making. Join us in this enlightening episode as we uncover the secrets to improving gut health, retraining our nervous system, and finding success in both business and personal well-being. More From Chelsea: The Gut Health Agency
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More from Delaney: Delaney's App - NoTox (TurboTax for Your Longevity)
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