Elul is the 12th and final month of the Jewish calendar year. Elul Unbound is a Judaism Unbound initiative all about making Elul meaningful, through creative digital modalities. In this first bonus episode of Elul Unbound 2023, Lex Rofeberg, Wendie Bernstein Lash, and Micah Sandman launch their month-long exploration of the power of twos/seconds!
This Elul bonus episode is the first of four that will be released as part of Elul Unbound 2023 (our 18th-21st Elul episodes overall). For a 3-session Elul mini-course, which will help you take your Elul observance to the next level, you can register for Elul: Your On-Ramp Into Rosh Hashanah -- which will be taught by Wendie Bernstein Lash, longtime facilitator of Elul Unbound!
To check out our previous Elul bonus episodes, released through Elul Unbounds of the past five years, click here. Join our bi-weekly journey through Elul Unbound 2023, by signing up at this link, and sign up for our first Elul Unbound Shabbat gathering (Friday, August 25th), where we will be exploring Elul in real time with friends, by clicking here.