Jonathan Branfman, the Eli Reinhard Postdoctoral Fellow in Jewish Studies at Stanford University, researches and teaches about Jewish identity in U.S. popular culture -- focusing on the way that Jewish stars perform race, gender, and sexuality. He joins Dan and Lex for a conversation about his upcoming mini-course in the UnYeshiva, Rude, Lewd, and Fabulous: 21st-Century Jewish Feminist Comedy, from Haddish to Glazer to Bloom. What is this course about, why is it just as important as classes about ancient Jewish texts, why is it being taught in an organization with "Yeshiva" in its title, and why you should register right now?? All of these questions are answered in this bonus episode.
To see our other courses in the UnYeshiva being offered right now, click here.
Note: We, and I'm sure all of you listening, are holding feelings of anger, and frustration, and sadness, as we pray for peace in Israel and Gaza -- and for the healing of our world. We release this episode while holding pain in our hearts, and if now is not the time to listen to something that will feel separated from the tragedy of our moment right now -- just save this episode for a later date. You can come back to it. If now would be precisely the moment to take a second and consider the future of our Jewish community, in a conversation that does not tie directly to Israel-Palestine, we invite you to listen in.