In the summer of 1983, tonight’s guest, Todd Tidwell, was 14 years old. One day that summer, to cool off, he decided to head down to a river that was about a mile from his house. To get to the part of the river that he wanted to wade into, he had to walk past a mobile home that the caretaker of the property he had to cross lived in. The caretaker had a 5-year-old son that walked up to Todd and gave him an ominous warning, when he saw that Todd was planning to head down to the riverbank, not far from the mobile home where the little boy lived. The little boy told Todd not to go down to the river because there were monsters over there. When the little boy told Todd that, he laughed and continued on, down to the river. 30 minutes later, Todd was banging on the wall of that little boy’s mobile home, begging and pleading to be let in. What happened to Todd that frightened him, so much? We hope you’ll tune into tonight’s show and find out. That wasn’t the only encounter Todd has had, in his time. He’s had several other experiences. All of which, he’s going to share on tonight’s show.
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