Tonight’s guest, Heidi Popp, has a fascination with the multi-dimensional aspect of the Sasquatch phenomenon. Heidi had her first Sasquatch-related experience when she was riding in her family’s car, as a kid, when they were heading to Cannon Beach, in Oregon, in 1981. When she had that experience, she’d been watching the backroad scenery go by, as she and her family rode down Highway 26, in their family sedan. After looking out the window for quite some time, she hadn’t seen anything that she hadn’t seen many times before. What she had been seeing was beautiful, but nothing was out of the ordinary. That was about to change. Something happened that she’ll never forget.
Heidi hosts two podcasts. To find out how to listen to them or more information about Heidi, please go to…
If you’d like to check out my other Bigfoot podcast, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen to it using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My Bigfoot Sighting Channel on Spotify...
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If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and let me know.
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I produce 3 other podcasts that are available for listening on your favorite podcast app. If you haven’t checked them out, already, here are links to them…