Tonight’s guest, Rich Daniels, has been researching Sasquatch for about 19 years now. If you ask Rich what he thinks his biggest contribution to the Sasquatch field has been, he’d tell you it’s the study he’s done on the emotional and psychological aftereffects eyewitnesses experience after having a Sasquatch sighting. Rich knows a thing or two about what it’s like to see a Sasquatch, however. That’s because he’s had multiple sightings, himself. We hope you’ll tune in and listen to him share the details of his experiences as well as talk about his study into how sightings affect eyewitnesses.
If you’d like to consult Rich, regarding a Sasquatch sighting you had, please go to…
If you’d like to check out my new Bigfoot show, called "My Bigfoot Sighting," you can listen using your favorite podcast app. Here's a link to the My Bigfoot Sighting Channel on Spotify...
If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on Bigfoot Eyewitness Radio, please go to and submit a report.
If you've had a Sasquatch sighting and would like to be a guest on My Bigfoot Sighting, please go to and let me know.
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I produce 3 other podcasts that are available for listening on your favorite podcast app. If you haven’t checked them out, already, here are links to them…