Tonight’s guest, Stan Nelson, went on a bow hunting trip to the Peola, Washington area. It was the year 2000 and he went with with his brother Eddie and friend Scott. The 1st night they were at their camp, not long after the sun went down, they started hearing what Stan describes as screams in the distance, that moved from a nearby draw up the mountain they were on. Later that evening, he decided to go to the camp restroom. After he got back, he noticed that Scott and Eddie had walked over to their car and were standing there, talking. Instead of walking over to the car, to join them, Stan decided to sit down, in their camp, and wait for them to come back. Almost immediately after sitting down, Stan saw that he, Eddie, and Scott weren’t alone, at that campsite. They had company. Stan is a big man, but could easily see that their “visitor” dwarfed him.
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