Striking auto union workers are quoting the Bible, progressive politicians are citing Jesus, and religious language is returning to more liberal causes. While everyone is focused on the rise of Christian nationalism on the political right, have we been ignoring a resurgence of the social gospel on the political left? Then, Drew Dyck is back to discuss his new book, “Just Show Up.” He says the evangelical culture’s focus on changing the world for God warps our vision of a faithful life, and he argues there is deep significance in committing to simple, unspectacular callings. Plus, Phil coins a term that makes it into the Washington Post. And, an alcohol company has appointed a robot as its CEO. What could possibly go wrong?
Holy Post Plus:
Bonus Interview with Drew Dyck
0:00 - Intro
1:28 - Show starts
2:56 - Theme Song
3:18 - Sponsor - Faithful Counseling
4:27 - Kaitlyn’s Other Podcast
7:27 - Christian Nashvillism
19:32 - AI CEO
26:42 - Modern Day Social Gospel
49:48 - Sponsor - Blueland
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50:56 - Sponsor - AG1
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52:30 - Interview Intro
Drew Dyck
55:22 - The problem of trying to do great things for God
1:07:52 - Finding Your Identity
1:21:52 - Living a quiet faithful life
1:25:23 - End Credits
Links mentioned in news segment:
There’s another Christian movement that’s changing our politics. It has nothing to do with whiteness or nationalism
Why a bucolic Tennessee suburb is a hotbed of ‘Christian Nashville-ism’
Polish alc-bev firm Dictador hires AI CEO to lead its ops
Other resources:
Just Show Up: How Small Acts of Faithfulness Change Everything (A Guide for Exhausted Christians)
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