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Check out www.yaya.press which is a language learning tool for you to generate little articles and dialogues in any language at any level, 100% developed by my husband David and myself!
Also check out the Music film (Official MV) for song “Worshiper” original song composed and performed by Shuqin!
澳大利亚 Aòdàlìyà | Australia
澳洲 Aòzhōu | Australia
自我介绍 zìwǒjièshào | self-introduction
麻烦 máfan | trouble, bother
稍微 shāowēi | slightly, a little bit
母语 mǔyǔ | native language
客家话 Kèjiāhuà | Hakka dialect
漫画 mànhuà | comic book or manga
马来语 Mǎláiyǔ | Malay language
混 hùn | mix or blend
淳朴 chúnpǔ | simple and unsophisticated
适应 shìyìng | adapt, adjust
一门 yì mén | a subject/course (the measurement unit)
台湾 Táiwān | island country in East Asia
流行歌曲 liúxíng gēqǔ | popular songs
明星 míngxīng | celebrity or star
刘德华 LiúDéhuá | Chinese actor and singer
字典 zìdiǎn | dictionary or lexicon
磁带 cídài | magnetic tape
警匪片 jǐng fěi piàn | Crime action film
恶心 ěxīn | disgusting or nauseating
状元 zhuàngyuán | top scholar
动力 dònglì | motivation or driving force
搞得 gǎo de | to handle or manage
学术 xuéshù | academic or scholarly
打鸡血 dǎ jī xuè | extreme motivation or stimulation
奥数 AòShù | Olympiad math education
补习 bǔxí | tutoring or extra classes
华裔 Huáyì | of Chinese descent
案例 ànlì | case study
餐馆 cānguǎn | restaurant
移民 yímín | migrate to another country
无所谓 wúsuǒwèi | indifferent, unconcerned
当地的社会 dāngdì de shèhuì | local society
口音 kǒuyīn | accent or pronunciation
融入 róngrù | integrate, assimilate
蛮有意思 mán yǒuyìsi | quite interesting
小朋友 xiǎopéngyǒu | young children
倡导 chàngdǎo | advocate, promote
主流 zhǔliú | mainstream
风气 fēngqì | cultural atmosphere or trend
思想 sīxiǎng | ideology or thinking
媒体界 méitǐ jiè | media industry
西方教育界 Xīfāng jiàoyùjiè | Western education sector
成熟 chéngshú | mature, ripe
播 bō | broadcast or play
权利 quánlì | rights or privileges
停顿 tíngdùn | pause or hesitation
莎士比亚 Shāshìbǐyà | English playwright and poet
阶段 jiēduàn | stage or phase
有基础 yǒu jīchǔ | has foundation/basis
逼 bī | force, compel
钢琴 gāngqín | musical instrument with keys
自发 zìfā | spontaneous, voluntary
下血本 xià xuèběn | invest heavily
吉他 jítā | Guitar
谱歌 pǔ gē | compose music
架子鼓 jiàzigǔ | drum set
搞别的 gǎo biéde | do something else
写歌 xiě gē | write songs
经典 jīngdiǎn | classic