Today I have a very special guest for the podcast - a listener from Singapore!
OKJ, who is now living in Singapore and a documentary director, has been learning Chinese for the past one year through this podcast channel. He reached out to me two weeks ago, and here we are, for the first time ever, with an episode with a fan!
Check out OKJ's super cool documentary series on TikTok or his Youtube channel to see his journey of Chinese learning. He also does interviews and documents interesting stories entirely in Chinese.
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Chinese-English Script for the episode:
听众 Listeners | Tīngzhòng
粉丝 Fans | fěnsī
锻炼 Exercise | duànliàn
自然 Natural | zìrán
放弃 Giving up | fàngqì
世界各地 World | shìjiè gèdì
荣幸 honor | róngxìng
反馈 Feedback | fǎnkuì
有帮助 Helpful | yǒu bāngzhù
一个字都不会讲 Can't speak a word | yīgè zì dōu bù huì jiǎng
真实的模样 What it really looks like | zhēnshí de múyàng
长相 look like | zhǎngxiàng
猜想 Guess | cāixiǎng
开玩笑 Joke | kāiwánxiào
真诚 Sincerity | zhēnchéng
纪录片 Documentary | jìlùpiàn
挑战 Challenge | tiǎozhàn
科目 Subjects | kēmù
采访 Interviews | cǎifǎng
下定决心 Make up your mind | xiàdìng juéxīn
概念 Concept | gàiniàn
自导自演 Self-directed self-played | zì dǎo zìyǎn
自律 Disciplined | zìlǜ
流利 Fluent | liúlì
亲切 affectionate | qīnqiè
体谅 sympathetic | tǐliàng
失智症 dementia | shī zhì zhèng
清醒 Sober | qīngxǐng
下一代 Next Generation | xià yīdài
魅力 Charm | mèilì
镜头的语言 The Language of the Lens | jìngtóu de yǔyán
心态 Mindset | xīntài
信心 Confidence | xìnxīn
借口 Excuses | jièkǒu
软件工程师 Software engineer | ruǎnjiàn gōngchéngshī
翻译 Translation | fānyì
感兴趣的 Interested | gǎn xìngqù de
造句 make a sentence | zàojù
母语 native language | mǔyǔ
目标语言 Target language | mùbiāo yǔyán
科技 Technology | kējì
多元化 Diversity | duōyuán huà
人工智能 Artificial Intelligence | réngōng zhìnéng
功利化 Utilitarianism | gōnglì huà
脑回路 brain circuits | nǎo huílù
成语 Idioms | chéngyǔ
孔子 Confucius | kǒngzǐ
道德 Morality | dàodé
歇后语 Idioms | xiēhòuyǔ