![EPISODE 33 | 滑雪一定要注意安全!Safety first when skiing ! - podcast episode cover](https://d3mww1g1pfq2pt.cloudfront.net/Image/cko0g8j5m1toy0984t6s7mqtk/JSobNjbMgWWuuVPmr7ARl.png)
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Today I want to share with you my experience of skiing in France with my friends! The skiing experience was full of big and small accidents, both thrilling and fun, and in the ends someone was rescued off the mountain. But I hope that everyone skiing or must be safe first and enjoy the tail end of the snow season!
滑雪 Skiing | Huáxuě
充满了 Filled with | chōngmǎnle
大大小小 large and small | dà dàxiǎo xiǎo
事故 Accidents | shìgù
难忘的经历 Unforgettable experiences | nánwàng de jīnglì
奥运会 Olympic Games | àoyùnhuì
邀请 Invitation | yāoqǐng
有基础 Have a foundation | yǒu jīchǔ
美国东部 Eastern United States | měiguó dōngbù
东海岸 East Coast | dōng hǎi'àn
华盛顿 Washington | huáshèngdùn
雪场 Snow Resort | xuě chǎng
糟糕 Bad, Awful | zāogāo
初学者 Beginners | chū xuézhě
人造雪 Artificial Snow | rénzào xuě
雪季 Snow Season | xuě jì
报滑雪班 Sign up for skiing classes | bào huáxuě bān
蛮巧的 Quite a coincidence | mán qiǎo de
宿舍 Dormitory | sùshè
高中生活 High School Life | gāozhōng shēnghuó
坐大巴 Take the bus | zuò dàbā
混在一起 Mingle together | hùnzài yīqǐ
爽 cool, feeling good | shuǎng
提供 Provide | tígōng
教学时间 Teaching time | jiàoxué shíjiān
第一堂课 The first lesson | dì yī táng kè
上坡 Uphill | shàng pō
放开来 Let go, let loose | fàng kāi lái
棍子 Sticks | gùnzi
雪道 Snow track | xuě dào
很缓的坡 Very gentle slopes | hěn huǎn de pō
很陡的坡 Very steep slope | hěn dǒu de pō
下坡 Downhill | xià pō
转身 Turning | zhuǎnshēn
技巧 Tricks | jìqiǎo
蓝道 Blueway | lán dào
障碍物 Obstacles | zhàng'ài wù
起起伏伏 Ups and downs | qǐ qǐfú fú
惊险 thrilling | jīngxiǎn
平缓 gentle | pínghuǎn
缆车 cable car | lǎnchē
牛逼 impressive (a bit vulgar) | niú bī
胜利 triumph, success | shènglì
冲昏了头脑 overwhelmed | chōng hūnle tóunǎo
挣扎 Struggle | zhēngzhá
没有了踪影 No more signs | méiyǒule zōngyǐng
滑一步摔一步 Sliding one step and falling one step | huá yībù shuāi yībù
融化了 Melt away | rónghuàle
掌握技巧 Mastering the technique | zhǎngwò jìqiǎo
重心不稳 Unstable center of gravity | zhòngxīn bù wěn
减速 Slowing down | jiǎnsù
难看 Ugly | nánkàn
丑陋 Ugly | chǒulòu
摔跤 Fall on the ground, slip | shuāijiāo
悲剧 tragic | bēijù
摔 fall | shuāi
森林小道 Forest Trail | sēnlín xiǎodào
失去控制 Lose control | shīqù kòngzhì
难以描述 Hard to describe | nányǐ miáoshù
愉悦 Pleasure | yúyuè
感觉 Feeling | gǎnjué
刺激 Excitement | cìjī
怂恿 Encourage | sǒngyǒng
交代一个背景 Clarify the background | jiāodài yīgè bèijǐng
进展很快 Progress quickly | jìnzhǎn hěn kuài
跟不上进度 Can't keep up with progress | gēn bù shàng jìndù
没有天赋 No talent | méiyǒu tiānfù
倒在雪地 Fallen in the snow | dào zài xuě dì
救援 Rescue | jiùyuán
裹在 Wrapped in | guǒ zài
毛毛虫 caterpillar | máomao chóng
茧 cocoon | jiǎn
描述 Description | miáoshù
哭的蛮惨的 Crying quite badly | kū de mán cǎn de
扭到了膝盖 twisted knee | niǔ dàole xīgài
好笑 so funny, hilarious | hǎoxiào
代价 cost | dàijià
掏出 pull out | tāo chū
救援收费 Rescue charges | jiùyuán shōufèi
直升机 Helicopter | zhíshēngjī
悲惨 tragic | bēicǎn
英勇负伤 heroically wounded | yīngyǒng fùshāng
明智的决定 Wise decision | míngzhì de juédìng
有决断 Decisive | yǒu juéduàn
救护车 Ambulance | jiùhù chē
不顾反对 defying opposition | bùgù fǎnduì
膝盖 Knee | xīgài
无情 relentlessly | wúqíng
打脸 Slap in the face | dǎ liǎn
佩服她的决心 admire her determination | pèifú tā de juéxīn
信誓旦旦 vowing to do so | xìnshìdàndàn
有自信 Confident | yǒu zìxìn
成真 Become true | chéng zhēn
迈出 take the (step, stride) | mài chū
第一步 First step | dì yī bù
装备 Equipment | zhuāngbèi
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