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什么叫”扁平化“,什么是”职场花名“,什么叫”事业单位",什么叫“饭桌文化” ?今天就来对比一下中国和外国的职场文化有什么不同。中国的企业也分好多种,大体来说有国企,外企和私企。不同企业的文化也不太一样,不能一概而论。但是我和Cameron试着总结了三点:第一,中国国企的阶级文化还是比较严重的,而私企外企则越来越扁平化。第二,中国私企的工作压力还是很大,而且年假很少,也不敢请假。第三呢,中国的喝酒文化这几年来有了很大的改变!
What does "flat organization" mean, what is "a workplace fancy name", what is "public institution", what is "dinner table culture"? Today, let's compare the workplace culture in China and foreign countries. There are many kinds of enterprises in China, broadly speaking, state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises and private enterprises. The culture of different companies is not the same, so you can't generalize. But Cameron and I tried to summarize three points: First, the hierarchical culture in Chinese state-owned enterprises is still relatively relevant, while private and foreign enterprises are becoming flatter and flatter. Secondly, the work pressure in Chinese private companies is very high. There are very few annual leave, and they are afraid to take leave. Thirdly, China's drinking culture has changed a lot in the past few years!
创始人 Founders | Chuàngshǐ rén
元老级 Oldest person (in a company) | yuánlǎo jí
职场 Workplace | zhíchǎng
文化 Culture | wénhuà
外企 foreign companies | wàiqǐ
国企 State-owned enterprises | guóqǐ
私企 Private enterprise | sī qǐ
事业单位 Public institutions | shìyè dānwèi
非营利组织 Non-profit organization | fēi yínglì zǔzhī
性质 Nature | xìngzhì
阶级 Class | jiējí
直观 Intuitive | zhíguān
称呼 appellation | chēnghu
科技企业 Technology company | kējì qǐyè
腾讯 Tencent | téngxùn
阿里巴巴 Alibaba | ālǐ bābā
快手 Kuai Shou | kuàishǒu
花名 Fancy name | huā míng
昵称 Nickname | nìchēng
武侠 Wuxia | wǔxiá
反映 Reflection | fǎnyìng
等级制度 Hierarchy | děngjí zhìdù
公务员 Civil Servant | gōngwùyuán
激发 Inspire | jīfā
创造性 Creativity | chuàngzàoxìng
现代的 Modern | xiàndài de
管理方式 Management style | guǎnlǐ fāngshì
扁平化 Flattening | biǎnpíng huà
说到这个 Speaking of this | shuō dào zhège
所谓的 The so-called | suǒwèi de
入职 onboarding | rùzhí
取掉了 Already taken | qǔ diàole
肉包 steamed stuffed bun | ròu bāo
烧卖 siu mai | shāomai
分寸 Extent , degree | fēncùn
太搞笑 Too funny | tài gǎoxiào
太正经 too serious | tài zhèngjīng
花脑筋 brainstorm | huā nǎojīn
花一番脑筋 Spend quite some brains | huā yī fān nǎojīn
老话题 The usual topics | lǎo huàtí
加班 working overtime | jiābān
升迁 Promotion | shēngqiān
说实话 Tell the truth | shuō shíhuà
教育 Education | jiàoyù
当老师 Being a teacher | dāng lǎoshī
主管 supervisor | zhǔguǎn
一概而论 Generalization | yīgài'érlùn
争论 argue | zhēnglùn
互联网企业 Internet companies | hùliánwǎng qǐyè
国家开发银行 National Development Bank | guójiā kāifā yínháng
中央企业 Central enterprises | zhōngyāng qǐyè
准时 On time | zhǔnshí
下班 get off work | xiàbān
偏见 Prejudice | piānjiàn
年假 annual leave | niánjià
国庆节 National Day | guóqìng jié
五一劳动节 May Day Labor Day | wǔyī láodòng jié
公共假日 Public Holiday | gōnggòng jiàrì
挤着 Fight with the crowd | jǐzhe
可以接受 Acceptable | kěyǐ jiēshòu
一整段的时间 A whole period of time | yī zhěng duàn de shíjiān
不敢 Don't dare | bù gǎn
请假 take a vacation | qǐngjià
绕着来 Come around | ràozhe lái
催 rush, force | cuī
瑞士 Switzerland | ruìshì
搬家 move | bānjiā
不好意思 sorry | bù hǎoyìsi
坦率 frankly | tǎnshuài
劳工权益 labor rights | láogōng quányì
挤破脑袋 compete hard (squeezing head) | jǐ pò nǎodai
往上走 Moving up | wǎng shàng zǒu
研究生 graduate student | yánjiūshēng
硕士 Masters | shuòshì
博士 PhD | bóshì
岗位 Position | gǎngwèi
交代 handover | jiāodài
前提 Prerequisites | qiántí
尴尬 awkward | gāngà
应酬 socialize | yìngchóu
一律 as a rule | yīlǜ
饭桌上 at the dinner table | fànzhuō shàng
劝酒 persuade to drink | quànjiǔ
避免 Avoid | bìmiǎn
观念 Perception | guānniàn
尊重 Respect | zūnzhòng
天大的事情 The sky is the limit | tiān dà de shìqíng
喝死了 Drinking to death | hē sǐle
道听途说 hearsay | dàotīngtúshuō
根源 Root cause | gēnyuán
根据 according to | gēnjù
倾向于 tendency to | qīngxiàng yú
高学历 highly educated | gāo xuélì