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不知道大家有没有听说过三毛这个作家。三毛是我特别喜欢的一位台湾的女作家,她的书里写了她和一个西班牙男生荷西在加纳利群岛上的爱情故事。而在真实的生活中,我的这个朋友Vigil也遇到了一个来自加纳利岛的男生。他们两个在泰国的潜水课上相遇,却竟然就这样结下缘分,Vigil就这样嫁给了她的“荷西”!今天我和Vigil聊了聊她和荷西邂逅,结缘,牵手的浪漫爱情故事 ❤
Today's episode might be a little difficult ;)
Have heard of the writer San Mao? In her book, she wrote about her love story with a Spanish boy, Jose, on the Canary Islands. In real life, this friend of mine, Vigil, also met a guy from Canary Island. They met on a diving course in Thailand. No one imagined that that was the destiny, and she is now married to her own "Jose"! In today's episode, I chatted with Vigil about her romantic love story with Jose ❤
And I wish you all a very happy Qixi Festival (Chinese Valentine's Day) !
加纳利群岛 Canary Islands | Jiānà lì qúndǎo
行政 Administration | xíngzhèng
非洲 Africa | fēizhōu
摩洛哥 Morocco | móluògē
神仙 Gods and Goddesses | shénxiān
爱情 Love | àiqíng
泰国 Thailand | tàiguó
潜水 Diving | qiánshuǐ
潜伴 Dive Partners | qián bàn
普吉岛 Phuket | pǔ jí dǎo
高级 Advanced | gāojí
潜水证 Dive certification | qiánshuǐ zhèng
搜 search | sōu
临时 Temporary | línshí
皮皮岛 Phi Phi Island | pí pí dǎo
潜店 dive stores | qián diàn
碰巧 by chance | pèngqiǎo
教练 coach | jiàoliàn
意外 accidental | yìwài
彼此 each other | bǐcǐ
照应 care | zhàoyìng
氧气 Oxygen | yǎngqì
危险 Danger | wéixiǎn
有点烦 A little annoying | yǒudiǎn fán
将近 Nearly | jiāngjìn
合格 Qualified | hégé
第一印象 First impression | dì yī yìnxiàng
打个招呼 Say hello | dǎ gè zhāohū
勉强 barely | miǎnqiáng
绅士 Gentleman | shēnshì
救了一命 Saved a life | jiùle yī mìng
万一 in case | wàn yī
水压 water pressure | shuǐ yā
肺 lung | fèi
损伤 Injury | sǔnshāng
剧烈 Severe | jùliè
晃了一下 Shaken | huǎngle yīxià
英雄救美 Heroic rescue | yīngxióng jiù měi
手势 Hand gesture | shǒushì
漏气 Air leak | lòu qì
程序 Procedure | chéngxù
小紧张 Little nervous | xiǎo jǐnzhāng
智利 Chile | zhìlì
拉丁 Latin | lādīng
搞笑 Funny | gǎoxiào
联系方式 Contact | liánxì fāngshì
相遇 Encounter | xiāngyù
时机 Time | shíjī
浪漫 Romance | làngmàn
肾上腺素 Adrenaline | shènshàngxiàn sù
心跳加速 Heartbeat | xīntiào jiāsù
邂逅 Encounter | xièhòu
碧海蓝天 Blue Sea Blue Sky | bìhǎi lántiān
电视剧 TV Drama | diànshìjù
情节 Plot | qíngjié
恐怖片 Horror | kǒngbù piàn
感知 Perception | gǎnzhī
幽暗 spooky | yōu'àn
躲 hide | duǒ
喘着气 gasping for breath | chuǎnzhe qì
四目相对 four eyes facing each other | sì mù xiāngduì
催生 urge to be born | cuīshēng
不了了之 endlessly | bù liǎo liǎo zhī
关键 key | guānjiàn
因素 factor | yīnsù
坚持不懈 Persistence | jiānchí bùxiè
一见钟情 love at first sight | yījiànzhōngqíng
死缠烂打 persistence | sǐ chán làn dǎ
细想 careful thought | xì xiǎng
异性相吸 attraction to the opposite sex | yìxìng xiāng xī
线上聊天 online chat | xiàn shàng liáotiān
网友 online friends | wǎngyǒu
见面 meet | jiànmiàn
冒险 adventure | màoxiǎn
建立 Establish | jiànlì
基本 Basic | jīběn
信任 trust | xìnrèn
保障 Guarantee | bǎozhàng
可持续发展 Sustainable Development | kě chíxù fāzhǎn
环境 Environment | huánjìng
结缘 Ties | jiéyuán
领域 Areas | lǐngyù
气候变化 Climate Change | qìhòu biànhuà