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In this episode, Laura, a friend from Germany, continues to share her experience in learning Chinese, especially the latest trend of the HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) revision!
质的飞跃 A qualitative leap ( a big leap) | Zhì de fēiyuè
学术 Academic | xuéshù
目的 Purpose | mùdì
技巧 Technique | jìqiǎo
声调 Tone of voice | shēngdiào
视频 Video | shìpín
语言环境 Language Environment | yǔyán huánjìng
物理 Physical | wùlǐ
春节晚会 Chinese New Year Gala | chūnjié wǎnhuì
精彩 Entertaining, interesting | jīngcǎi
电视剧 TV Drama | diànshìjù
笑话 Jokes | xiàohuà
笑点 Jokes / Laugh points | xiào diǎn
小品 Skits | xiǎopǐn
语言类节目 Language Programs | yǔyán lèi jiémù
盲人 Blind | mángrén
哈利波特 Harry Potter | hā lì bō tè
情节 Plot | qíngjié
海报 Poster | hǎibào
申请 Application | shēnqǐng
科学家 Scientist | kēxuéjiā
研究 Research | yánjiū
交流 Exchanges | jiāoliú
交换 Exchanges | jiāohuàn
国际关系 International Relations | guójì guānxì
经济 Economy | jīngjì
贸易 Trade | màoyì
做客 Be a guest | zuòkè