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日本的夏季奥运会,还有两个星期就要开幕了!这让我想起了2008年到北京奥运,以及2000年我们的申请奥运会(申奥)成功。这在中国可是一件意义重大的事情!所以今天就和Gwin回忆了一下2008年的北京奥运会,以及我们最喜欢看什么运动比赛项目:乒乓球,羽毛球,跳水,花样体操,花样游泳,射击,田径,女排.... 你最喜欢看什么奥运会运动呢?
The Summer Olympics in Japan is only two weeks from now! This reminds me of 2008 to the Beijing Olympics, and our successful application for the Olympics (Olympic bid) in 2000. This is a significant event in China! So today I reminisced with Gwin about the 2008 Beijing Olympics and what sports we like to watch the most: table tennis, badminton, diving, synchronized gymnastics, synchronized swimming, shooting, athletics, women's volleyball .... What Olympic sports do you like to watch the most?
死忠粉 Die-hard fans | Sǐ zhōng fěn
心得体会 Experience | xīndé tǐhuì
土生土长 Born and bred | tǔshēngtǔzhǎng
正儿八经 authentic | zhèng er bā jīng
字正腔圆 well-spoken | zì zhèng qiāng yuán
讲不顺 not good at speaking | jiǎng bù shùn
奥运会 Olympic Games | àoyùnhuì
疫情 the epidemic | yìqíng
东京奥运会 Tokyo Olympics | dōngjīng àoyùnhuì
宾夕法尼亚州 Pennsylvania | bīnxīfǎníyǎ zhōu
擅长 excel | shàncháng
开幕式 Opening Ceremony | kāimù shì
住家 Home Stay | zhù jiā
人海战术 Sea of people | rén hǎi zhànshù
统一 Uniformity | tǒngyī
惊艳 stunning | jīngyàn
阅兵 parade | yuèbīng
阅兵方阵 parade squad | yuèbīng fāng zhèn
人口基数 population base | rénkǒu jīshù
复制黏贴 Copy and paste | fùzhì nián tiē
电脑特效 Computer effects | diànnǎo tèxiào
敲章 Knockout chapter | qiāo zhāng
和而不同 Harmony but different | hé ér bùtóng
和谐 Harmony | héxié
心血 heart and blood | xīnxuè
外交政策 foreign policy | wàijiāo zhèngcè
政治课 Political Lessons | zhèngzhì kè
周恩来 Zhou Enlai | zhōu'ēnlái
求同存异 Seeking common ground while preserving differences | qiútóngcúnyì
金牌 Gold Medal | jīnpái
跳水 Diving | tiàoshuǐ
羽毛球 Badminton | yǔmáoqiú
重点培训 Key Training | zhòngdiǎn péixùn
种子选手 Seeded Players | zhǒngzǐ xuǎnshǒu
田径 Athletics | tiánjìng
射击 Shooting | shèjí
气枪 Air Rifle | qìqiāng
女排 Women's Volleyball | nǚpái
受关注 Under the Spotlight | shòu guānzhù
女子足球 Women's Soccer | nǚzǐ zúqiú
女子排球 Women's Volleyball | nǚzǐ páiqiú
热血沸腾 Hot Blooded | rèxuèfèiténg
女排精神 Women's Volleyball Spirit | nǚpái jīngshén
技术体操 Technical Gymnastics | jìshù tǐcāo
跳跃 Jumping | tiàoyuè
旋转 Rotation | xuánzhuǎn
精准度 Accuracy | jīngzhǔn dù
残酷 Cruelty | cánkù
滑雪 Skiing | huáxuě
社交媒体 Social Media | shèjiāo méitǐ
雪橇 Snowboarding | xuěqiāo
冬季奥运会 Winter Olympics | dōngjì àoyùnhuì
夏季奥运会 Summer Olympics | xiàjì àoyùnhuì
申奥 Olympic Bid | shēn'ào
国际舞台 International Stage | guójì wǔ tái
赛事 Races | sàishì
执着 Obsession | zhízhuó
千纸鹤 Thousand Paper Cranes | qiān zhǐ hè
虔诚 piety | qiánchéng
托福 trust your blessing | tuōfú
托你的福 Trust your blessing | tuō nǐ de fú
筹集资金 Raising Funds | chóují zījīn
建造场馆 build the venue | jiànzào chǎngguǎn
安保 secure | ānbǎo
稀松平常 sparingly | xīsōng píngcháng
世博会 World Expo | shìbóhuì
为国争光 To win for our country | wèi guó zhēngguāng
超越个人 Beyond Personal | chāoyuè gèrén
国家荣誉 National Honor | guójiā róngyù
排行榜 Rankings | páiháng bǎng
金牌 Gold Medal | jīnpái
银牌 Silver medal | yínpái
铜牌 Bronze Medal | tóngpái
奖牌 Medals | jiǎngpái
俄罗斯 Russia | èluósī
德国 Germany | déguó
英国 United Kingdom | yīngguó
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