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这个星期我有一点儿忙,所以我的第五期节目就偷个小懒啦!但是我看到我的节目已经有了二十几个来自世界各地的听众,真的特别开心!特别希望能收到你们的留言,听到你们学中文的故事 :) 下周希望可以邀请到一个中文说的特别流利的法国朋友来录第六期,尽情期待啦!
Hello everyone! This week I've been a little bit busy, so I was a little lazy with my fifth episode.... But I'm really happy and touched to see that I've got about 20 listeners from all over the world! I hope to hear from you and hear your stories about learning Chinese :) Next week, I hope to invite a French friend who speaks Chinese fluently to record the sixth episode. Hope to see you all in the 6th episode!
特邀嘉宾 Special guests Tè yāo jiābīn
国定节假日 National holidays guódìng jiéjiàrì
比利时 Belgium bǐlìshí
布鲁塞尔 Brussels bùlǔsài'ěr
自驾游 Self-driving tours zìjià yóu
光荣传统 Glorious traditions guāngróng chuántǒng
偷懒 laziness tōulǎn
独白 monologue dúbái
交代任务 handing over tasks jiāodài rènwù
心得 heart xīndé
心路历程 Journey xīnlù lìchéng
越南 Vietnam yuènán
马来西亚 Malaysia mǎláixīyà
印度尼西亚 Indonesia yìndùníxīyà
欧洲 Europe ōuzhōu
美国 United States měiguó
加拿大 Canada jiānádà