Who becomes overly needy and clingy in order to avoid abandonment?
Fear of abandonment and rejection in terms of clinginess/neediness in relationships are shown in two common ways:
In this episode I will discuss the concepts, techniques and strategies for:
People who become overly needy and clingy in order to avoid abandonment
I will discuss 5 ways on how to change fearful behaviors that sets up for more abandonment and the effects on how such behaviors creates havoc in the person's relationship.
In today's episode I will focus on several goals:
If you are still struggling on tolerating the ability to appreciate your partner’s self-care
The ability to have your partner say no sometimes, you appreciate it and celebrate your own capacity hear the no and not take it personal
Then This Episode is For you!
I will go over the common symptoms on living in a relationship with unhealthy needy and clingy behaviors such as:
Abandonment fears expresses these fears in accusatory behaviors:
Some questions you can ask yourself that stem from neediness and clingy behaviors
How are things now and how would you like them to be? I will offer you a quick tip on:
5 ways to. Change fearful behavior that sets up more abandonment
If you have not been able to identify how the Fear of Abandonment and the Pain of Rejection can affect your relationships then listen to the previous episode:
How to Overcome the Pain of Abandonment and Fear of Rejection
Want to start learning on how to Overcome the Clingy and Needy Behaviors in Relationships:
Below I will give you the cheat sheet on how to do just that:
How to Overcome Clingy and Needy Relationships
Anita Sandoval@PACCTX
Anita Sandoval
Conversations That Work