Navigating Stressful Times in an ADHD Divorce
Research has shown people with ADHD are twice as likely to be divorced or have more than one marriage than those without.
If you have ADHD, divorce can be extra messy and emotional.
You owe it to yourself, and deserve the clarity, knowledge, and support needed to come out of a divorce knowing you got what you deserve.
Learn about "My Divorce Solution"
In this episode, I speak with Karen Chellew and Catherine Shanahan - who founded My Divorce Solution after their own experiences with divorce.
Karen is a mother of three and has worked for over 30 years in the legal field as a paralegal and business manager.
Catherine is a mother of five, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA), a trained mediator, and has worked in the financial industry for 25 years.
Know the Components of Your Marital Estate
A marital estate includes assets, debts, income, and expenses.
Debt and expenses are two different things, so it's essential to focus on your budget and clearly understand your expenses.
Be aware of marital and non-marital components - and have them documented!
Developing a Divorce Financial Portrait
A divorce financial portrait is a very structured, step-by-step approach, educating a client through a 'launch meeting’, which covers:
•What is essential in their marital/non-marital estate
•Developing and reviewing their budget
•Using an online portal to organize a timeline and track the overall process
•Access to a journal where you can message your advisor and where you can make notes to yourself
The Benefits of Having a Financial Specialist
The divorce financial portrait includes a net worth statement, the person's budget, the financial disclosure, the marital and non-marital demonstration of property, and a table of considerations, which takes every asset and debt and even some income and expenses.
For example: When negotiating the division of the marital home...
•Are you going to sell it or refinance it?
•Which party is going to stay?
• Who will be paying the expenses in the meantime?
When you have the answers to these questions upfront, your attorney can advocate for you.
The divorce financial portrait helps them discuss what they want very specific to their cash flow needs, the tax impact, and other financial considerations.
Another benefit to having a financial specialist is not needing two attorneys to gather the same information, which streamlines the process and provides symmetry among the documentation.
Asking Questions is Not Being Questioned
You have a right to ask questions during your divorce. You deserve to have financial awareness because financial awareness will set you up for having freedom, moving on, and healthier relationships.
If you're interested in more information about the divorce solution, visit
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Check out my ADHD Planning & Coaching service.
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