Super Bowl ads for $3.9M, social media hijackers, inbound marketing bubbles?, and a message of endearment from LinkedIn. All this and more to help you get and keep customers, on the latest edition of OFB.
Brian, Tom and Ken explore the mania of advertising tied to the Super Bowl, specifically looking into some marketing stories tied to the game.
And did you know that you can dunk Oreo’s in the dark and radiologists can operate in the dark? These are just two of the brands that “newsjacked” the Super Bowl blackout through really fast and pretty creative use of Twitter.
Want to go to a game? Be a good customer. Companies spent over $20 billion on sports tickets last year; a 25% increase over two years ago. More than 75% of the tickets went to customers.
With February 14th around the corner, LinkedIn offers up 7 do’s and 7 don’ts in using LinkedIn. Follow them and you will definitely endear yourself to all of your connections.
And finally, no one is still around from the “tulip mania” over 100 years ago in Holland, but lots of us remember the bubble and the burst heard around the world. There’s thought among a lot of smart people that the inbound marketing mania is a bubble waiting to burst. You decide.
Open for Business #66 – more great information than you could hope for in less than an hour.