In the latest edition of Open for Business Tom Russo, Brian Parker and Ken Cook, along with our special guest Marc Halpert explore the world of Social Media. We looked at the Social Media universe and how the multitude of tools work, both independently and with each other.
Our primary focus was on LinkedIn and its value in the B:B space; where it fits, how to use it, and the value it offers. We also talked about how Facebook and Twitter are much more B:C tools connecting businesses with consumers and consumers with consumers.
When Marc Halpert joined LinkedIn 10 years ago as its’ approximate 220,000 user it wasn’t part of a larger Social Media phenomenon. LinkedIn in its infancy merely facilitated the connection between people who had lost touch with each other. Now there are 175 million users worldwide and 1-2 new users joining every minute.
LiinkedIn has evolved into the preeminent online business branding tool. LinkedIn enables personal and company branding in a very personalized way. LinkedIn also completes the circular nature of Social Media in that it connects with Facebook and Twitter, feeding each other with news and information.
If you’ve ever thought about how to best use Social Media, tune in and hear how LinkedIn and other tools can be some of your best marketing friends. Open for Business #47 – more great information than you could hope for in less than an hour.
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