When it comes to content everyone wants a virus, or better said, wants their content to go viral. We’ll explore how to do that. Plus, warm your heart this holiday season with a feel good story out of rural Minnesota. Give holiday cheers at the signs of the resurgence of American Manufacturing. Give holiday jeers to the hyped language overused on LinkedIn.
Joe Leuken is a retiring grocer in Bemidji, MN. After 46 years Joe is giving up his multi-location grocery business and plans to travel the world with his wife. What makes this story great is the disposition of the stores. Joe gave them to his 400 person employee family. Listen in to the whole story; it will make you feel good.
Apple is evolving into a good American Corporate Citizen. They are opening an iMac production plant in the U.S. sometime in 2013. New jobs and further evidence of the resurgence of American Manufacturing.
The english language can be elegant one minute and crass the next. On LinkedIn the crass side seems to be winning sometimes. Here are the Top Ten Most Overused Words on LinkedIn.
Discussion Item -- Content Going Viral
Be a thought leader. Content is King. Content drives traffic. All great marketing sentiments. What completes the cycle is developing content that actually attracts visitors, again and again. For the hundreds of thousands of content providers, so few are reaping rewards. We’re going to explore some tips to reverse that situation and to help you get your online content to go viral.
Tell us what you think. Email Tommy or Ken at OpenForBusiness@OnTheHORN.com.
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