If you are looking to step into a global level of visibility and leadership... apply for my visibility experience. As part of this experience, I will give you access to my extensive network, which includes book agents, speaking agents, publicists, publishing houses, brands, and media contacts, so that you can build relationships and pursue opportunities that align with your vision and step into your next level of thought leadership. https://forms.gle/MjyHAjZUe5WpXiFe6 LUXE is a curated mentorship experience for women currently focused on scaling their businesses, creating a credible brand, and embracing the JOY in their work, apply for LUXE: https://forms.gle/2RgLrrn8oMp1zGPX9 To order my new book, Get What You Want go to:www.juliesolomon.net/getwhatyouwant We all know change is the only constant, but this year was WILD.
There is so much coming at us from every direction, but when you focus inward... that's where the magic happens.
You can let go of the heaviness, let go of what is no longer serving you, and step into that higher level.
You can create the impact and transformation you want to see in the world.
If you feel powerless, this is the episode for you! You'll hear me talk about: Why you need to stop underestimating your purpose and start capitalizing on it
Unlocking your potential and allowing yourself to want more
How to find the excitement in your business
And how you can work with me to start your rebirth NOW