Have you ever noticed that right after you secure the dream job, find a great relationship, or finally feel as though you're at a place in your life where you're genuinely happy and have everything you need, that's exactly when you feel overcome with stress, worry, doubt, and fear? It's not a coincidence. This is a mechanism of self-sabotage, and it's the brain's subconscious way of ensuring that we stay within our "safe zone." Today we discuss this issue, and how to best prepare for it when it rears its head! We cover: How to acknowledge and overcome success limitations you put on yourself Do you have an upper limit problem? Here are the signs. 5 Steps to prepare for the ups and downs of your growth RESOURCES To join my EmpowerYou personal development membership for just $29 a month ($70 savings!), go to: https://join.juliesolomon.net/membership To pre-order my new book, Get What You Want, and get access to a FREE live event with bonuses go to www.juliesolomon.net/getwhatyouwant OUR PARTNERS Try EveryPlate for just $1.79 per meal by going to EveryPlate.com and entering code influencer179