This was not a book Charelle and I were planning on covering for the podcast, and I think we both kind of surprised ourselves by choosing it. But after last month’s read of Daring Greatly by Brene Brown, which while fantastic was definitely not strictly a business book, we wanted to try swinging in the opposite way for this month’s read.
And you know what? While we definitely both had some reservations and don't agree with 100% everything in the book, I think we were both pleasantly surprised!
The subtitle of $100M Offers, is: How To Make Offers So Good People Feel Stupid Saying No, both encapsulates why this book was so far from our minds as an option for this podcast, and why we were interested in giving it a try. Obviously, Charelle and I are not interested in tactics that make anyone feel stupid. BUT we were also interested in what the author, Alex Hormozi, had to say about creating an offer and setting prices, something we haven’t really covered yet on the podcast.
Outwardly, Alex Hormozi might appear to you, as he does to me, as typical bro marketer. A strong proponent of hustle at all costs. I disagree with some of what he teaches, but Charelle and I wanted to challenge ourselves. Turned out, this was the perfect book to do it with. We learned a BIG lesson from this read, or at least I did, about taking what serves you without tossing out the baby with the bath water, what a terrible expression. But you get what I mean. I genuinely feel like I learned a lot from this book, and Charelle and I were able to pull out some really useful takeaways.