Dr Joëlle Gergis is an award-winning Australian climate scientist and writer, currently teaching at the Australian National University. She's the author of the book “The Sunburnt Country. The History and Future of Climate Change in Australia”.
Joëlle is also one of the dozen or so Australian lead authors working on the IPCC's upcoming 6th assessment - in addition to her full-time teaching load.
The results of the refined climate models that she and her fellow scientists are working on terrify her. While the final IPCC report won't be published until 2022, the results are available now – and they're terrifying.
She wakes up in the middle of the night with terrifying dreams of tsunamis. She's been brave enough, and honest enough to share publicly exactly what terrifies her and why.
In this podcast she reads aloud her piece in The Monthly - “Witnessing the Unthinkable”.
Thanks to the State Library of Victoria, we can also share her launch speech for “Sunburnt Country” in 2018, which Tim Flannery calls “a marvelous investigation of Australia's climate, and how we are affecting it”.
Our thanks to Tom Day and The General Assembly for their music used in this episode.
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