Dylan Quinnell from the Climate Media Centre recorded with members of some of Australia's leading climate action groups, the day after the election. This short episode is a great way to listen back on their excitement from the election results, and a great way to get yourself pumped to take action in this new chapter for Australia!
Audio grabs and quotes below:
Rural and regional Australians respond to the Federal Election, and what they want to see happen next:
Fiona Davis, CEO of Farmers for Climate Action, from regional Victoria, talks about the importance of climate in the election, and the need for stronger climate policies moving forward, to farmers including the organisation's 7,000 supporters. Fiona says we need deep emissions reductions this decade to protect Australian farmers from extreme weather events, and to ensure farmers can continue to produce food for Australins and the world.
[Audio grabs from Fiona Davis]
Charlie Prell, chair of Farmers for Climate Action, and fourth-generation sheep farmer who also hosts wind turbines on his property in Crookwell, NSW talks about how climate change has become an important issue in the bush. He talks about the election, including increased support for Nationals' candidates more progressive on climate, as well as the need for integrity and progressive action in government moving forward. [Audio grabs from Charlie Prell] :
Jo Dodds, president of Bushfire Survivors for Climate Action and bushfire survivor from Tathra, NSW South Coast, talks about how the issue of climate change motivated many voters this election. She also talks about the urgency and immediacy of the climate change threat and what she and fellow bushfire survivors want to see from the new government.