Todays guest is a CMMS all-star! My buddy Greg Christensen is the host of CMMSradio, a podcast about all things CMMS (computerized maintenance management software), and a consultant who draws on his 3+ decades of experience in CMMS, FM, Maintenance Management, and the like. After thousands of demos, even more client interactions and projects, and numerous deployments. Co-founder and VP of CMMS, relentlessly pursuing the "elusive win-win," the podcast helps even more companies and people navigate their CMMS journey with expert guests, inspiring monologues, and a no-nonsense approach that is real, raw, and relatable. If you have a CMMS project and want some insights - Connect with Greg and follow CMMSradio on your favourite podcasting medium. He's passionate about the space - ALL of it - and loves to help solve problems. Visit to schedule your consultation with Greg. Want to check out the other conversation I had with Greg? Head over to his YouTube @cmmsradio He's got tons of wisdom to share with you all on your journey Produced by Arthur Field Edited by Arthur Field Recorded by Arthur Field Want to grab a virtual coffee?