Inspired by two back-to-back dreams in which I walked and learned from masters of ancient wisdom, I reflect about the teachings of Friedrich Nietzsche. Given the impeachment proceedings taking place in the United States, these dreams and Nietzsche's principles for becoming an exceptional individual are timely and prescient for our future.
It's all about individual accountability and becoming greater than oneself. Revolution starts from within. BELOW, PLEASE SEE NIETZSCHE'S PRINCIPLES.
I'd like to thank Oliver and Chris Wood, Jano Ricks and The Wood Brothers management, as well as their publicist Kevin Calabro for granting us the rights to use HAPPINESS JONES for our theme music. We are deeply honored.
Find The Wood Brothers at:
The Wood Brothers on YouTube:
Happiness Jones video can be seen here:
For more about Thom Dharma Pollard, about personal coaching or his inspirational presentations, virtual or in person, look for him at
To join his mailing list for A Course In Happiness, email THOM at
PRINCIPLES of Friedrich Nietzsche
1 BE AN ESSENTIALIST, be brief, concentrate on what is important, to not compromise self to other’s ideals, focus on what is important in our lives,
2 BE AUTHENTIC - take away all idols in life, do not follow herd mentality by denying your true self, people are unwilling to be authentic because it takes great effort….
3 LOOK FOR WISDOM NOT KNOWLEDGE - By observing and experiencing things for oneself, one can grow in wisdom, create your own concepts and do not follow
4 PUT YOUR WILL INTO THINGS, do not accept piece of mind, untrue stories of paradise, following blindly the words or sermons of a priest or politician
5 LOVE YOUR DESTINY AMOR FATI, accept one’s destiny with open arms
6 NEVER FEAR FAILURE, how can you arise anew if you do not first become ashes?
7 ALWAYS SPEAK YOUR TRUTH truths that are silenced become poisonous
8 STAY CONNECTED TO NATURE, nature nourishes
9 BE PRAGMATIC, you can only learn through experience, you cannot truly learn something by, say, reading a book unless you have experience of these things
10 BE DYNAMITE “I am not a man, I am dynamite”
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